Alabama Soccer Association puts player safety first by requiring CoachSafely training
The Alabama Soccer Association (ASA), known for having some of the most rigorous standards for coaches in the state of Alabama, has strengthened its commitment to player safety by partnering with the CoachSafely Foundation through its membership with the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA) as ASA teams return to practice and competition.
As part of a comprehensive program that includes background checks for coaches and return-to-play protocols for players such as symptom monitoring and data collection, ASA coaches will be required to complete the CoachSafely online training course. The course consists of 10 video modules covering eight subject areas, including Concussions, Mental Health and Communicable and Infectious Diseases.
The course is evidence-based and peer-reviewed by the CoachSafely Foundation medical advisory board, led by Dr. James R. Andrews, and approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health.
By completing the course and earning their certification, ASA coaches will be better-equipped to keep their players active, healthy and safe. They’ll also be in compliance with the state of Alabama’s Coach Safely Act, which mandates that all coaches of children 14 and under be trained in injury recognition and prevention.
“Our players are our No. 1 priority,” said Jennifer Pfeiffer, Executive Director of the Alabama Soccer Association. “To maintain a safe playing environment, it was a simple decision to have our coaches, managers and administrators take the CoachSafely training course. We will continue to be innovators when it comes to player safety through our partnerships with the CoachSafely Foundation and the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association.”
“The Alabama Soccer Association has sent a message to the parents of its 20,000-plus athletes that safety is a practice and not just a marketing topic,” said Jack Crowe, Founder and Chairman of the CoachSafely Foundation. “We applaud the ASA’s commitment to the health and safety of its young athletes.”
“The Alabama Soccer Association is to be commended for its dedication to its players’ health and safety,” said Natalie Norman, Executive Director of the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association. “Not only is the ASA recognizing the law, but it is leading the way in raising the bar for youth sports, providing our young athletes with a safer, healthier environment. The ASA will not only be innovators when it comes to safety in Alabama but across the nation.”
About the Alabama Soccer Association
As the Alabama affiliate of US Soccer and US Youth Soccer, the Alabama Soccer Association (ASA) is a non-profit and educational organization whose mission is to foster the physical, mental and emotional growth of players of all ages, by creating and increasing opportunities for wholesome participation. ASA has a current membership of over 23,000 registered players statewide for youth, 1,800 for adults, and approximately 2,000 active coaches, referees and administrators.
Please browse our website (www.alsoccer.org) and social media pages (follow @Alabama_soccer) to learn more about ASA!
About the CoachSafely Foundation
The mission of the CoachSafely Foundation, a non-profit education and research organization, is to limit youth sports-related injuries through the research, advocacy and education of coaches, parents, physical educators and other influential figures in young athletes’ lives. The Foundation’s vision is to set a new standard for youth sports safety through the influence of laws, policies and best practices through data-driven research in order to limit youth sports-related injuries. The Foundation’s goal is to provide the CoachSafely injury recognition and prevention course to youth sports coaches in all communities without a direct cost to the coach.
Learn more at www.coachsafely.org.
About the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Founded in 1942, the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association is a 501(c)(6) professional non-profit organization representing more than 900 professionals delivering park, recreation and therapeutic recreation services in local, county, state, school district, private and agency settings. We are dedicated to advancing the profession in our state through leadership, education, advocacy, promotion and service.
The ARPA enables park and recreation affiliates and professionals, through educational and networking opportunities, to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Alabama each and every day. ARPA empowers members to make a difference and impact communities, blazing the trail for generations to come. We strive to ensure health, wellness, safety and access for all. The benefits of parks and recreation are endless, serving individuals, our communities, our environment and our economy.
Discover more at www.arpaonline.org.